If you need to save space and cleanup old bundles, or need to see the bundle IDs, below are the steps to perform this using PowerShell. This step helped me when Aria Lifecycle manager would not install as it through it wasn't downloaded, although it had. Since deleting an older bundle, the install became available.
For instructions on using the Bundle Utility on the SDDC manager, visit here.
How to: Bundle Cleanup Utility (75050)
Use cases
SDDC Manager is unable to download bundles due to insufficient free disk space.
Get the IDs, applicable VMware Cloud Foundation Version, Product, and Type for downloaded bundles.
Get the IDs, applicable VMware Cloud Foundation Version, Product, and Type for available bundles.
Schedule bundle(s) download.
Show SDDC Manager disk space usage for bundle downloads.
Delete bundles from the SDDC Manager inventory based on the bundle ID, VMware Cloud Foundation version, or all bundles that are not required for the environment.
Prepare System Requirements:
Windows, Linux, or MacOS running PowerShell Core 7.3.0 or later.
VMware PowerCLI 13.1 or later
PowerVCF 2.3.0 or later
Install PowerCLI - Open PowerShell, run the following command
PS:> Install-Module -Name PowerVCF
Download the VCF Bundle Script
In PowerShell, go the the folder where the script was downloaded. e.g..
>cd C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\VcfBundleManagement-v1.0.3
.\VcfBundleManagement-v1.0.3.ps1 -user <SDDC_Manager_user> -server <SDDC_Manager_FQDN> -pass <password> -rootPass <root_password>
without parameters (script will ask for input parameters):
<SDDC_Manager_user> is the username to authenticate with SDDC Manager.
<password> is the password to authenticate with SDDC Manager
<SDDC_Manafer_FQDN> is the fully qualified domain name of the SDDC Manager
<root_password> is the password for the root user on the SDDC Manager appliance